
Massage Therapies for Men and Women?

Treat yourself to a massage to remove yourself from the stresses and strains of your everyday life, your job or your exercise regime. Or call me to discuss any specific joint or health problems.

I am is a qualified massage therapist & Associate of the International Register of Massage Therapists (AIRMT). Offers Swedish massage, Indian head massage & Reiki.

I am also an ambassador & therapist for The Harmony Therapy Trust which provides supportive treatments for people with life-threatening or terminal illnesses.

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This is based on the body’s anatomy & physiology. It involves kneading, stretching, stroking & wringing your muscles & tissue

It can be as gentle or as vigorous as you like, & is a perfect way to maintain a healthy body or complement your exercise routineSwedish massage has many benefits, & is therapeutic & corrective. A massage can improve your physical & emotional well-being.

Swedish Massage will stimulate blood supply, bones, muscle & joint health. It can also release stress & promote relaxation & sleep.

This works on the head, neck & shoulders to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed & calm.

During the massage, the therapist applies gentle pressure and circular movements to the scalp, neck, and shoulders. This helps to stimulate the muscles, increase blood circulation, and promote the release of tension and stress. As a result, the massage can help alleviate headaches, migraines, and other types of head and neck pain.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, scalp massage can also help promote hair growth. By stimulating blood flow to the hair follicles, the massage can improve the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots, which can strengthen the hair and encourage new growth.

This is a powerful treatment that works with the body’s energy & can relieve all kinds of discomfort & stress, & accelerate recovery.

The benefits of Reiki are numerous, including relief from physical pain, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, and a boost in overall energy and vitality. The therapy has also been shown to accelerate recovery from illness or injury, by supporting the body’s natural healing processes and strengthening the immune system.

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy that can be performed on people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a safe and gentle treatment that works with the body’s natural healing abilities.

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